

Do you guys believe in the Theory of Absolute Nothingness??
I personally can't understand and still in hasitation about this theory and can't decide who wins ultimately.
Is it science or religion?
Anything should to be born from something .Anything can't be born from nothing!
Can anything born from nothing?
I think no and it should to be no.
♣Read this discussion of my brain.......
♦Where are you from Myin?
I am from Planet Earth
♦From where your planet originated ?
It's from our Milkiway galaxy
♦From where your galaxy come from?
It's from our Holographic Universe.
♦From where your Universe originated?
It's from Big Bang.
♦How Big Bang occurred?
For singularity.
♦How singularity happened?
Contraction of another Universe.
♦Why this cycle is happening?
Because of Brane collision.
♦From where Brane comes from?
Slice of Universe
♦Who created this things or how this things are happening?
Science:String theory(From nothingness)
Religion:Created by God
♦Why from nothingness?
Science:Mathematical answer and poof
Religion:God itself created everything
Sometime I think nothingness comes from the result of 0 energy or 0 power.
But it can't be maybe because how 0 power or energy can give birth of brane?
It's the limitation of science and the conflict point of science and religion where science defeats logically and religion wins religiously.
So what's your decision now?
Nothingness is the ultimate result of science and Spiritual theory of creation is the ultimate result of religion.
But I don't know what's before nothingness?

Thanks a lot for reading.
The space boy
Aspiring Astronaut

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